Explorando Copernicus Browser: Procesamiento de imágenes radar para el monitoreo y detección de inundaciones
El pasado 28 de octubre se llevó a cabo un taller de la Academia Copernicus en Costa Rica, enfocado en el procesamiento de imágenes radar para el monitoreo y detección…
SPIDER at the Workshop "Opportunities of the Horizon Europe Program in Central America"
El pasado 16 de octubre, el equipo de SPIDER en Costa Rica participó del taller “Oportunidades del Programa Horizonte Europa en Centroamérica”. Este evento, organizado por el MICITT, la Delegación…
SPIDER Costa Rica Focus Group: Strategies for an Inclusive Digital Transformation
On September 19, 2024, the SPIDER Costa Rica focus group was held at the Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnología (CeNAT), Edificio Franklin Chang Díaz,...
Costa Rica Big Data School celebrates its eighth edition
La anterior semana del 5 al 9 de agosto se llevó a cabo el Costa Rica Big Data School 2024, con la organización de la Red Nacional de Investigación y…
Costa Rica seeks digital advancement through BELLA II project
En un esfuerzo por potenciar su ecosistema digital y fomentar el desarrollo tecnológico, Costa Rica busca unirse al proyecto BELLA II (Building the Europe Link to Latin America and the…
RedCONARE strengthens connectivity in public universities of Costa Rica
RedCONARE, the National Research and Education Network of Costa Rica, has played a crucial role in the technological and educational advancement of the country since it joined the Latin American Cooperation
SPIDER: Dialogues Implementation Forum held the first meeting of its working groups
On Wednesday, June 26th, the launching meeting of the EU-LAC Strategic Partnership Dialogue Implementation Forum for the implementation of digital dialogues in
SPIDER: the digital transformation project between Europe and Latin America involving RedCONARE
SPIDER is a project funded by the European Union (EU) Framework Program for Research and Innovation, which seeks to extend dialogues on digitization, innovation and research,...
RedCONARE leads Copernicus project implementation in Costa Rica
The first workshop of the Copernicus Academy "Application and processing of Copernicus data" was completed on 11 April...
The impact of artificial intelligence on Costa Rican education
In August 2022 the panel "The impact of artificial intelligence in Costa Rican education" was held. Where the topic of how Artificial Intelligence...