Copernicus Academy Costa Rica

Virtual Webinar

On-site workshop

RedCONARE leads Copernicus project implementation in Costa Rica

The first workshop of the Copernicus Academy "Application and processing of Copernicus data" was completed on 11 April...

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Explorando Copernicus Browser: Procesamiento de imágenes radar para el monitoreo y detección de inundaciones

El pasado 28 de octubre se llevó a cabo un taller de la Academia Copernicus en Costa Rica, enfocado en el procesamiento de imágenes radar para el monitoreo y detección…

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Formation of the National Committee

What is the committee?

The committee is an entity that acts as the main link between the national scientific institutions, the government and the Copernicus program structures of the European Union. Its main objective is to coordinate the members of the national community to promote the effective use of the data and services provided by Copernicus, facilitating training and technical capacity building, as well as research and innovation.

What activities will you do?

  1. National Coordination: Act as a liaison between scientific institutions, government and European entities to manage activities according to national needs.
  2. Promotion and Dissemination: Promote the use of Copernicus data and services among scientists, academics and other interested parties at the national level. This includes the organization of workshops, conferences and seminars.
  3. Scientific and Technical Advice: Provide expert advice to government and other entities on scientific and technical issues related to Earth observation and the environment.
  4. International Collaboration: Promote international collaboration in research and development projects within the framework of the Copernicus program.

Who are the members?

The National Committee of the Copernicus Academy would be composed of a variety of experts and representatives from several key institutions.

  • CeNAT
  • UCR
  • IICA
  • INTA
  • CFIA

We are currently in the process of sending out invitations and listening to interested parties to form the committee.

How does an institution join this committee?

To join the committee you must fill out the expression of interest form belowto have your application evaluated and to have the necessary contacts to make the respective communications. siguiente formulario de expresión de interés para que sea evaluada su solicitud y tener los contactos necesarios para realizar las comunicaciones respectivas.

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